Ok, ok...so you may not all remember him, but I do. Kevyn Major Howard had a significant role in Stanley Kubrick's 80s cult classic,
Full Metal Jacket. Coincidentally, he played the role of "Rafterman", the combat photographer. Pretty cool, since that is what I do in the Reserves. Anyway, we recently met at AirFest '08, the big annual air show held at my base: March Air Reserve Base, Riverside, California.

Side note: Kevyn was there with his drag cars from
Fueled by the Fallen, which is his great program meant to honor the service of Marines in OIF. The cars are all Chevy, and have the names of every KIA U.S. Marine on their sides.
One last picture of me in front of the Douglas Skyraider, named after the base my MIA uncle flew out of during Vietnam:
Nakhon Phanom (aka "Naked Fanny") Royal Thai Air Force Base. We won't forget you Uncle Jim.