25 July 2007

fast news

Here is a picture I took today for a fellow MAZDASPEED Protege owner/friend in TX whose car was featured in a magazine. Thanks for the copy, Vic!
Finally got the final anthrax immunization yesterday (it is a series of 6)...it is about time, it was 2003 when I started it! haha!

I have lost about 15 lbs in the last 2 months...does not have anything to do with running, since I haven't done ANY lately. Rather I think it is my diet, eating *a little* healthier. :)

Also, I booked my commercial plane ticket home to MN via Doha, Qatar...deja vu!! lol
At least it is NWA the whole way, so I will get my frequent flyer miles (about 7500 miles). :)

Really miss everyone, and cannot wait to see and thank those that have sent me things while I have been here. It is about to hit the 6 month mark, CRAZY! Only 3 more to go...