29 April 2007

those *&%$ Soviets!!!

Well today's half marathon started at 0600L, a full 20-odd hours before the 'real' run in PA started. All went well, until the Mine Action Group (U.S. Army Engineers) blocked of the perimeter road to clear some old Soviet placed mines along side the road...the NERVE!! jk. Anyway, the course changed because of that, but we continued on the full 13.1 miles anyway, and am very glad I did; I ran it in 2:31:18, which is right about my average: 11min/mile. Anyway, Lance had great success as well, coming in at just over 2 hours. Not bad for almost 5000' of elevation! Here is a great article about it.

I want to thank Fred in LeHigh Valley for catering to us and who will be sending us T-shirts and finisher medals to boot.

Both Lance and I are still comtemplating/debating the full marathon on 3JUN. Maybe I will run it, and then not run anymore after I turn 30! (June 8th)...haha!!

Sorry, only this photo illustration to show (taken along the running course earlier this month)